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Anal breathing? Japan & US scientists win Ig Nobel award for study on breathing through anuses.
In the name of science.

榜鹅建屋发展局组屋空中花园 摄影师拍摄到1500万光年外的另一个星系
M83螺旋星系 夜空中最亮的螺旋星系之一

Astronomers Intrigued by 25 Mysterious Repeating Radio Signals From Deep Space
Astronomers have made a breakthrough discovery of 25 new fast radio bursts (FRBs) with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) radio observatory. The discovery could bring us closer to understanding the mysterious and powerful pulses of radio waves that repeat in complex patterns. Scientists hope to solve the mystery with the help of large radio telescopes and a rapidly increasing dataset of these bursts.

Study: The louder the monkey, the smaller its balls
A new study finds that the animals can make a lot of noise or a lot of sperm — but trying to do both just takes too much energy.