
Anal breathing? Japan & US scientists win Ig Nobel award for study on breathing through anuses.

In the name of science.

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Anal breathing? Japan & US scientists win Ig Nobel award for study on breathing through anuses.

A team of Japanese and American scientists has won the 2024 Ig Nobel Prize in Physiology for discovering that mammals can breathe through their anuses. The award was presented on 12 September at the first in-person Ig Nobel Prize ceremony since the Covid-19 pandemic, held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The research, led by Takanori Takebe, a professor at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, has potential implications for new treatments for respiratory failure in humans.


The Ig Nobel Prizes celebrate achievements that are both surprising and thought-provoking, aiming to spur interest in science, medicine, and technology. This year's Physiology Prize was awarded to Takebe's team for their groundbreaking discovery that mammals, including pigs, rats, and mice, can absorb oxygen through their intestines. The ceremony, known for its quirky and humorous nature, was also webcast for those interested in the unusual demonstration of anal breathing.

Anal breathing a possibility for humans

Takebe's research began with a simple question: why can't humans "suck up oxygen from the butt" like loaches, a type of fish known for this ability? His team, donning loach hats, demonstrated how they administered oxygenated liquid through the rectum into the intestines of mammals with respiratory diseases. The results showed significant alleviation of symptoms, suggesting a new method for artificial respiration in humans. Clinical trials began in June to ensure the safety of this method, with plans to commercialise it in Japan by 2028 and in the United States by 2030. EVA Therapeutics, founded by Takebe, is conducting these trials.

Before Takebe could finish his presentation, a young girl interrupted, shouting, "Please stop. I’m bored," adding a touch of humour to the already unconventional event.

Ignoble ceremony

The Ig Nobel Prize ceremony, organised by the Annals of Improbable Research magazine, is known for its satirical and whimsical nature. Winners receive a transparent box containing historic items related to Murphy’s Law, the theme of the night, and a nearly worthless Zimbabwean $10 trillion banknote. The ceremony also featured a competition to perform the "most Murphy-esque song" about Murphy’s Law.

Future implications

The discovery of anal breathing in mammals opens up new avenues for medical research and treatment. If successful, this method could revolutionise the way respiratory failure is treated, providing a transformative approach for patients. The more prestigious Nobel Prizes will be awarded in Scandinavia next month, but the Ig Nobel Prizes continue to highlight the importance of curiosity and imagination in scientific discovery.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amor.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

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