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OP-ED - WP's Jamus Lim misses the point on the JSS and unemployment insurance

OP-ED - WP's Jamus Lim misses the point on the JSS and unemployment insurance

Jamus Lim compared the Jobseeker Support Scheme (JSS) to unemployment insurance, framing it as People's Action Party's (PAP) variation of the Workers’ Party’s (WP) redundancy insurance proposal first released in 2006. However, Lim's argument is a fundamental misunderstanding of the scheme's purpose.

OP-ED - Founders' Memorial - Dr Tan Cheng Bock's monumental misunderstanding?

OP-ED - Founders' Memorial - Dr Tan Cheng Bock's monumental misunderstanding?

Dr. Tan's took issue with the S$335 million price tag of the Founders' Memorial. He suggests that this money could be better spent on healthcare, particularly a robust home care delivery system to support an aging population. While addressing the needs of healthcare is undoubtedly crucial, framing the memorial as a trade-off against healthcare spending is an oversimplification.

OP-ED - WP's Big Fish Fallacy with new face Harpreet Singh

OP-ED - WP's Big Fish Fallacy with new face Harpreet Singh

Singaporeans have long emphasised collective leadership and shared responsibility, valuing the team and the vision they represent rather than individual star power.

OP-ED - Dr Chee Soon Juan cry foul over PAP 'borrowing ideas'

OP-ED - Dr Chee Soon Juan cry foul over PAP 'borrowing ideas'

Isn't the essence of politics to adapt and evolve? If a policy is beneficial for the nation, why should it be discarded simply because it originated from a different party?

'Don't put the platform workers in the middle of this': Indranee Rajah reminds Parliament as debate on workers' rights turns political

'Don't put the platform workers in the middle of this': Indranee Rajah reminds Parliament as debate on workers' rights turns political

The exchange broke out as parliamentarians were debating a bill to strengthen protections for platform workers.

'Uphill battle' to transfer case to High Court: Pritam Singh on failed bid

'Uphill battle' to transfer case to High Court: Pritam Singh on failed bid

He said that securing the transfer would have been "an uphill battle".