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警员死亡案: 种族歧视字眼并非针对他,除一 名上司“不专业“,其他说法皆不实

我为判断错误道歉: 徐芳达

穿梭新加坡的交通系统: 一位通勤者对 SimplyGo U-转 的见解
新加坡政府巧妙地平衡了新的 SimplyGo 系统和 易通卡的使用,使新加坡的公交系统不断发展。这种务实的做法体现了政府顺应民意、重视乘客反馈并确保出行旅程能无缝接轨的管理理念。

PAP's stance on corruption: No amount too small, no rank too high
The PAP's decision to pursue this case vigorously regardless of the amount or the status of the involved party is not entirely unsurprising given the optics.

OP-ED: The Iswaran Corruption Case: Much Ado About Nothing? Not Quite.
"We should hope that whichever party comes to power in the future, even if it is no longer the PAP, will continue to uphold such high standards. For there will be dire consequences for a small country like Singapore if we allow our high standards to drop. There is much at stake."

人民行动党对腐败的立场: 金额无大小,级别无高低