WP's internet brigade "Wake Up Singapore" gets pofma-ed
Wake up already?

Workers' Party's (WP) internet brigade "Wake Up, Singapore" (WUS) has been issued a correction order by the POFMA office over falsehoods published on social media.
The directive was issued on Feb 12 and requires WUS to put up a correction notice on their social media pages.
Source: Offending post by Wake Up, Singapore
POFMA: Posts was "...false in various aspects"
According to an article on Gov.sg site Factually, Wake Up Singapore's posts falsely conveyed that the Committee of Privileges recommended that Singh and Faisal "be referred for criminal proceedings, even though there was no finding by the Committee that they lied".
The article noted that "this is false in various aspects":
"The Committee expressly found that Mr Singh, Ms [Sylvia] Lim and Mr Faisal had lied in their evidence before the Committee.
The Committee’s recommendation that Mr Singh be referred to the Public Prosecutor was based on this finding which it made, that Mr Singh had lied on oath (which is a possible offence of perjury).
The Committee did not recommend referring Mr Faisal Manap to the Public Prosecutor for lying to the Committee. The Committee recommended referring Mr Faisal for repeatedly refusing to answer relevant questions put to him by the Committee."
WUS complied with the order and published a correction notice:
The committee had on Thursday released its final report on a complaint made against former WP Member of Parliament Raeesah Khan for lying in Parliament about a sexual assault case. It recommended that she be fined S$35,000 for telling a false anecdote in Parliament on Aug 3 last year and repeating it on Oct 4 that year.
The committee also recommended that Mr Pritam, who is Leader of the Opposition, as well as Mr Faisal be referred to the Public Prosecutor for possible criminal charges, saying it was “satisfied” that they were untruthful while testifying under oath.
Squad of goons
WUS is a known internet brigade linked to members of the Workers' Party.
Their modus operandi has been to espouse populist anti-government rhetoric so they can portray themselves as some hip anti-PAP renegade platform.
The squad of goons- which is WP's answer to PAP's "Fabrications Against the PAP" IB page - has been particularly active throwing Raeesah Khan - a figure they were fanboys of previously - under the bus to protect the reputation of WP leaders.