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Lee Hsien Yang unhappy that Li Shengwu "may not one day rise to the position of Prime Minister"

Lee Hsien Yang unhappy that Li Shengwu "may not one day rise to the position of Prime Minister"

An exclusive piece by the Financial Times spilled the tea.

OP-ED: Lee Hsien Yang - subversion with a side of champagne and caviar

OP-ED: Lee Hsien Yang - subversion with a side of champagne and caviar

How will history remember Lee Hsien Yang?

李总理将在 20 年后卸任。以下是他担任总理期间的一些里程碑事件。

李总理将在 20 年后卸任。以下是他担任总理期间的一些里程碑事件。

李总理正式宣布 他将在下届大选前“交棒”给黄循财

李显龙总理将出任国务资政,候任总理黄循财不会从 5 月 15 日起对“新内阁”进行重大调整

李显龙总理将出任国务资政,候任总理黄循财不会从 5 月 15 日起对“新内阁”进行重大调整





TOC defamation trial: Article needed 'creative writing', editor Terry Xu told writer

TOC defamation trial: Article needed 'creative writing', editor Terry Xu told writer

Mr Xu confirmed during cross-examination by PM Lee's lawyer, Senior Counsel Davinder Singh that he asked a Malaysian writer to use creative writing in the article about prime minister Lee Hsien.