
S'porean man, 50, reportedly arrested in Batam for raping stepdaughter, 16, since 2022

The police received a report from a friend of the victim's mother.

|2 min read
S'porean man, 50, reportedly arrested in Batam for raping stepdaughter, 16, since 2022

A 50-year-old Singaporean man, identified as AH, was arrested on 7 September at his home in Mutiara View, Sekupang, Batam, Indonesia, for allegedly committing sexual acts against his 16-year-old stepdaughter. The arrest followed reports that AH had been raping the girl repeatedly since 2022. During the arrest, police confiscated a sex toy, two mobile phones, and a Singapore passport.


The case came to light after the police received a report from a friend of the victim's mother. The mother had sought help to escape from her home, alleging that AH was frequently violent towards her. Upon investigation, the victim disclosed that she had been raped multiple times by her stepfather. The friend of the mother then lodged a formal police report.

Carried out the act since 2022

According to Sekupang Head of Criminal Investigation, M. Ridho, AH allegedly raped his stepdaughter approximately 120 times from 2022 until the last incident on 3 September 2024. The frequency and duration of the abuse highlight the severity of the case and the prolonged suffering of the victim.

Investigations ongoing

The case is being investigated under Articles 81 and 82 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2016, which pertains to child protection. AH is currently detained as the investigation continues, with authorities working to gather more evidence and testimonies.

This arrest follows another recent case involving a 46-year-old Singaporean man, Mohammad Asri Sapuan, who was detained in Batam on charges of sodomising children. Sapuan allegedly committed these crimes between 16 and 24 September at a house in Nongsa. These incidents underscore the ongoing issue of child sexual abuse and the efforts of local authorities to address and prevent such crimes.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amor.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sit amet arcu finibus, ultrices sapien a, vestibulum elit. Maecenas sit amet posuere purus. Maecenas neque odio, vestibulum nec turpis non, pulvinar porta dolor. Morbi quis nisl ex. Ut fringilla eget leo in gravida. Nullam nec lacus eu urna placerat aliquet. Nullam ac rhoncus neque. Nullam eros tellus, ultricies sit amet quam eget, ullamcorper malesuada turpis. Etiam a semper odio, iaculis tristique lectus. Etiam feugiat felis ut ex congue, quis scelerisque velit accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent dictum risus nisl. Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi, vitae tempus enim mauris nec felis. Pellentesque mollis ante quis fermentum pretium. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer finibus felis eu neque vestibulum, sed gravida ante ornare. Donec non placerat leo. Aenean arcu nisl, finibus quis enim fermentum, pharetra porta metus. Praesent libero tellus, posuere eget sagittis nec, vulputate at lacus. Donec eu ullamcorper justo. Phasellus varius mollis lectus. Duis non iaculis metus, quis tincidunt ligula. Nunc et sem eu nisi sollicitudin pretium non id nisl. Vivamus et lectus placerat, laoreet urna et, aliquet diam. Nam condimentum arcu sit amet arcu blandit cursus. Sed feugiat congue libero ut consequat. Mauris eleifend erat sed hendrerit consectetur. Duis eleifend pellentesque nulla, ut auctor orci aliquam nec. Vestibulum vel lobortis lacus. Duis gravida sagittis quam. Aenean ac ligula id orci aliquam venenatis. Mauris tempus porttitor mauris quis feugiat. Maecenas rhoncus laoreet maximus. Vivamus semper tempus imperdiet. Quisque sodales massa elit, nec ornare lacus varius sed. Sed sit amet sapien dui. Curabitur tincidunt tortor ac malesuada faucibus. Nulla elit turpis, accumsan in purus quis, convallis iaculis arcu. Aliquam dapibus molestie nisl, eu placerat nisi maximus sit amet. Ut lectus lectus, finibus non auctor at, pellentesque nec lorem. Vivamus pellentesque dui a ex imperdiet, eu malesuada mi maximus. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam aliquam metus lacus, vitae ullamcorper justo pulvinar at. Vivamus sit amet massa sed nunc sagittis blandit. Aenean id mattis leo. Aliquam vel ex sem. Phasellus tempor, lorem sit amet porta lobortis, lorem dolor gravida lacus, non finibus diam lacus vel metus. Proin interdum quis enim ac pulvinar. Quisque vel dolor libero. Sed ac ullamcorper nibh.