
SCDF EMT, 23, stationed at Yishun recalls his most memorable moments on the job

Upon receiving the call for assistance, 23-year-old Ron Gan sprang into action. Speeding to the site of the accident in an ambulance, the severity of the road traffic accident dawned on Gan when the team received multiple calls from members of the public. As a Fire & Rescue Specialist (FRS) and trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) with the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), Gan immediately assessed the situation upon arriving on the scene. The motorcyclist had substantial injuries, with abrasions over his whole body and a mangled right leg. Gan suspected spinal and head injuries as well. He was instructed to stabilise the victim’s head to prevent further injury while trying to keep the man conscious by engaging him in conversation. After spinal management and first aid, the motorcyclist was transported to the hospital for further treatment.


Gan’s role as an FRS (EMT) involves responding to emergencies, a job he has aspired to since childhood. Inspired by firefighters in dramas and movies, Gan pursued his dream by joining the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) in secondary school, where he learned lifesaving basics and firefighting skills. After completing his O-Levels in 2016, he continued to serve as a Cadet Lieutenant, overseeing rescue and first aid training in secondary schools.

Not just a pipe dream

Despite the inherent dangers of his job, Gan remains committed to his childhood dream of being a firefighter. His passion was further fuelled by meeting real-life firefighters during primary school roadshows. Gan’s determination never wavered, and he took steps to achieve his goal, including joining the NCDCC and continuing his involvement even after secondary school.

Awarded sponsorship

Gan enrolled in Singapore Polytechnic’s Diploma for Engineering with Business, a course he chose to enhance his operational capabilities and strategic decision-making within the SCDF. He applied for and received the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Home Team Diploma Sponsorship, awarded to outstanding students passionate about protecting lives and property. This sponsorship relieved his family’s financial burden, allowing him to focus on his studies and extracurricular activities.

An eye-opening experience

As an EMT, Gan receives dual training in firefighting and medical response, enabling him to serve as a first responder. The job is demanding, requiring extensive technical and medical knowledge and swift response to incidents. Gan admits the volume of calls can be exhausting but finds the experience eye-opening and humbling. Currently stationed at Yishun Fire Station, he remains focused on his mission despite the challenges.

How fragile life is

Gan’s job comes with highs and lows, and some experiences leave a lasting impact. Recently, he attended a call for a sick person who was showing signs of distressed breathing. Despite their best efforts, the patient was later pronounced dead at the hospital. This incident reminded Gan of the fleeting nature of life and left a significant impact on him.

Hard skills and soft skills

Gan’s lifesaving skills are useful in his day-to-day life, especially as a rock climber, a sport with a high risk of injuries. He emphasises that soft skills, such as interacting with people, assessing situations, and working under stress, are equally crucial. The camaraderie between SCDF officers also keeps him going, as teamwork and bonds forged during emergencies are unique and cherished.

More about the Home Team Diploma Sponsorship

If you would like to pursue a life-changing career in the SCDF like Gan, consider the Home Team Diploma Sponsorship. The sponsorship accepts applicants from any of the five local polytechnics and all disciplines of study. Find out more here.

More about SCDF’s career opportunities

If you would like to join the SCDF as an EMT, consider joining the 3-year EMT scheme. Find out more here. If you would like to join the SCDF as a Fire & Rescue Specialist, consider joining through Direct-Entry Sergeant, Home Affairs Uniformed Scheme. Find out more here.

This is a sponsored article by SCDF.

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