
SBS Transit lawsuit: Bus drivers replace clown with joker

Both comedians are believed to be at odds with each other.

|3 min read
SBS Transit lawsuit: Bus drivers replace clown with joker

The 13 former and current bus drivers who are taking SBS Transit to court for allegedly unfair work practices have appointed Mr Lim Tean as their lawyer, to replace Mr M Ravi.

In a statement released to the media on Wednesday (Nov 24), Mr Chua Qwong Meng, the main plaintiff, said that he and the other bus drivers have appointed Mr Lim of Carson Law Chambers to represent them.

"We thank Mr Lim for agreeing to take our case at such short notice, despite his heavy caseload. He has also agreed to take on our case with no demand as to fees," Mr Chua said.

"Prominent lawyer"

He added that Mr Lim is a "prominent lawyer and political leader" who has been involved in high-profile legal cases in recent years, and the drivers are confident that he will be able to plead their case effectively in court and help them achieve the desired outcome.

The bus drivers discharged Mr Ravi as their lawyer on Monday, saying that they were "very embarrassed" by his behaviour towards the judge, Justice Audrey Lim, and opposing counsel Davinder Singh on the first day of trial.

Mr Ravi had called Mr Singh a "clown". The drivers said that he had "absolutely no excuse or justification" to do so.

They said that they did not condone Mr Ravi's behaviour at all and were shocked by his display, adding that he had "let us down very badly and hurt our case immeasurably".

The drivers said that they had paid Mr Ravi more than S$55,000, which was raised through "the public's generosity in donating to our cause".

Joker responds

Mr Lim confirmed with CNA on Wednesday afternoon that he was taking up the bus drivers' case.

In a Facebook post, Mr Lim said that the case involves "legal issues that have enormous ramifications not only for the economic interest of SBS Transit drivers, but also many other workers in Singapore".

He pledged to do his "utmost" for his clients so that their interests are protected, adding that their "success in this litigation will also translate into benefit for many thousands of workers in Singapore".

Joker vs Clown

Earlier this month, Mr Ravi revealed in a now-deleted post that Mr Lim "manages finances very badly and steals clients' monies". He also alleged that Lim Tean "sexually harassed Sankari, my paralegal".

Both comedians are believed to be at odds with each other.


Mr Chua, who worked for SBS Transit from April 2017 to early 2020, claims that SBS Transit breached the Employment Act by not giving him a rest day each week and that he was also underpaid for overtime work.

He commenced the lawsuit against SBS Transit in September 2019. Although the case was mounted by Mr Chua, another 12 drivers are linked to it, with Mr Chua claiming that about S$720,000 is involved in the allegations of all 13 suits.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amor.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

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