
OP-ED - Dr Chee Soon Juan cry foul over PAP 'borrowing ideas'

Isn't the essence of politics to adapt and evolve? If a policy is beneficial for the nation, why should it be discarded simply because it originated from a different party?

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OP-ED - Dr Chee Soon Juan cry foul over PAP 'borrowing ideas'

In the realm of politics, imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery; it's a strategic move.

In a Facebook video, Dr. Chee Soon Juan, Secretary General of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), accused the People's Action Party (PAP) of copying SDP's policies after criticising them.

The art of borrowing ideas

Dr Chee asserted the following:

  • **Unemployment Insurance**: In 2016, PAP criticised SDP's universal healthcare and unemployment insurance policies, but by 2023, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong introduced a similar scheme that mirrored SDP’s 2015 Restart scheme. However, PAP’s version offered less financial support.

  • **Financial Assistance Insufficiency**: Dr. Chee argued that PAP's unemployment scheme falls short, offering only $1,000 a month for six months, which he deemed insufficient to support families.

  • **Income Tax Policies**: In 2011, PAP criticised SDP's advocacy for higher taxes on the wealthy but later raised taxes on the top 5% of earners, echoing SDP’s stance.

  • **Education Reform**: SDP's call to abolish the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) in 2014, which they said promoted elitism, was also later adopted by PAP.

The politics of accusation

Dr. Chee's accusations seem more like a political manoeuvre than a genuine critique.

It's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. If we were to follow Dr. Chee's logic, wouldn't every political party be guilty of adopting policies from others?

After all, aren't all parties striving for the same goal - a better Singapore?

Isn't the essence of politics to adapt and evolve? If a policy is beneficial for the nation, why should it be discarded simply because it originated from a different party?

If the PAP adopts certain aspects of SDP's policies, it's not a sign of a lack of originality, but rather an indication of their willingness to be open to good ideas instead of opposing for the sake of opposing.

Politics of progress

In the end, politics should be about progress, not petty squabbles over who had an idea first.

If the PAP is adopting beneficial policies from the SDP, it's a testament to their commitment to the welfare of Singaporeans, not a sign of political weakness.

Perhaps Dr. Chee should focus more on contributing to the progress of Singapore, rather than trying to score political points.

After all, isn't that what politics should be about?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amor.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

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