
NEA unveils new AI chatbot ‘Bloobin’ to help check if items can be recycled

A new Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot was unveiled by the National Environment Agency (NEA) on 16 September 2024, to help the public determine if their items can be recycled. The chatbot, featuring NEA’s recycling mascot Bloobin, is available on Telegram and WhatsApp. This initiative is part of NEA’s Recycle Right campaign, launched at Unity Primary School by Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and the Environment, Baey Yam Keng. The chatbot aims to reduce waste contamination, which occurs when non-recyclable items are mistakenly placed in recycling bins.


The Recycle Right campaign, initiated in 2019, seeks to educate Singaporeans on proper recycling practices. Contaminated recyclable items, such as food-stained containers, are treated as general waste and must be incinerated or landfilled, undermining recycling efforts. The Bloobin AI chatbot is designed to address this issue by providing instant feedback on whether an item can be recycled, thus promoting correct recycling habits.

What does the chatbot do?

The Bloobin AI chatbot can determine if an object is recyclable through text and image inputs. Users can send a text query or a photo of the item to the chatbot, which will then provide information on whether the item can be recycled and where it should be disposed of. This interactive feature aims to make recycling more accessible and accurate for the public.

Trying it out

When asked if a used takeaway cup from Starbucks can be recycled, the chatbot provided a clear response. Similarly, sending a photo of a lunch box initially confused the chatbot due to insufficient information. However, once the lunch box was taken out of the bag, the chatbot successfully identified it. The chatbot also accurately identified used napkins and provided appropriate disposal instructions. Additionally, users can ask general questions about recycling, and the chatbot will offer clarifications.

Public engagement

The NEA has provided QR codes for easy access to the chatbot on Telegram and WhatsApp. This initiative encourages public participation and aims to improve recycling habits across Singapore. By making recycling information readily available, the NEA hopes to reduce the 40% contamination rate in recycling bins, ensuring that more items are correctly recycled.

Future implications

The introduction of the Bloobin AI chatbot represents a significant step towards enhancing recycling efforts in Singapore. By leveraging technology, the NEA aims to foster a more informed and environmentally conscious public. Future developments may include expanding the chatbot’s capabilities and integrating it with other sustainability initiatives to further promote waste reduction and recycling.

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