
M'sian police arrest 171 people on suspicion of abusing over 400 children

Those rescued were aged between one to 17.

|2 min read
M'sian police arrest 171 people on suspicion of abusing over 400 children

Malaysian police arrested 171 individuals on 11 September 2024, linked to 20 welfare homes, on suspicion of physically and sexually abusing 402 children and teenagers. The arrests took place in the states of Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, where the police rescued the victims, the youngest being one year old and the oldest 17.


The arrested individuals included Islamic religious teachers, caretakers, and other staff members of the charity homes. Preliminary investigations revealed that these homes were operated by Global Ikhwan Services and Business (GISB), a company previously linked to the banned Al-Arqam religious sect. GISB, which now identifies as an "Islamic conglomerate," runs various businesses, including supermarkets, catering, medical services, and food production, and operates in 20 countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, and the United Kingdom. The company is also known for establishing "The Obedient Wives Club," which controversially urged women to satisfy their husbands' desires to prevent infidelity.

Raided 20 homes

On the same day as the arrests, GISB denied the allegations of sexual abuse, stating that it did not manage the charity homes and that such actions were against its policies. However, Malaysian police raided 20 homes, rescuing 402 children and teenagers. Some children were placed in these homes by their parents, who worked for GISB, to receive religious education. Reports indicate that the children were subjected to physical and sexual abuse, including being forced to perform indecent acts on other children and being punished with heated metal objects. Additionally, they were denied medical treatment.

Earlier investigation

The raids and subsequent investigation are connected to an earlier probe into whether GISB was exploiting children for fundraising activities. The company faced accusations of setting up welfare homes to collect donations and failing to contribute to Malaysia's Employees' Provident Fund, pay salaries, and punishing members for minor offences. Several police reports had been lodged against GISB for offences, including deviant religious teachings.

Broader implications

This scandal has sent shockwaves through Malaysia, highlighting the need for stricter oversight of welfare homes and religious organisations. Authorities are now scrutinising other similar institutions to prevent such abuses in the future. The case has also sparked a broader conversation about the exploitation of religious sentiments for financial gain and the protection of vulnerable children in welfare systems.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amor.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

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