
M'sian doctor found dead at home, family alleges she was bullied & overworked by superior

The cause of her death has not yet been ascertained.

|3 min read
M'sian doctor found dead at home, family alleges she was bullied & overworked by superior

A specialist doctor, Tay Tien Yaa, stationed at a hospital in Sabah, was found dead at her home on 29 August, Malaysian media reported. Her brother, YS Tay, alleged in a Facebook post on 15 August that she had committed suicide due to bullying at the Lahad Datu hospital. Described by friends as "very dedicated, very humble, and enthusiastic in providing a service to the community," Tay's death has raised serious concerns about working conditions in public hospitals.


Tay began her role as a pathology specialist at the Lahad Datu hospital in February 2024, as part of a two-year stint. Her brother claimed that she was "oppressed" by a senior specialist who overloaded her with additional tasks, including instrument inspections, meetings, and handling human resources and financial planning for her department. This incident comes amidst ongoing complaints about poor working conditions for healthcare workers in Sabah, including physical abuse, profanities, slurs, and threats with sharp objects.

Allegations of overwork and bullying

YS Tay's Facebook post highlighted that his sister was overwhelmed with work, which contributed to her distress. He stated that she was not only managing her own busy schedule but was also burdened with extra responsibilities by a senior specialist. These claims have brought to light the broader issue of workplace bullying and overwork in the healthcare sector.

Police investigation

The police chief of Lahad Datu acknowledged the allegations of suicide and bullying but stated that the cause of Tay's death has not yet been ascertained. "We have not ascertained why the incident happened, but from our probe, there is no foul play involved at the moment," he said. The case is currently classified as a sudden death, and the police will leave the investigation of bullying claims to the Malaysian health authorities.

Malaysia's Medical Association calls for government action

Sabah's Health Director mentioned that the state's Health Department would issue a statement once approved by Malaysia's Health Ministry. Meanwhile, the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) has called for the government to take firm action on the case. MMA President Kalwinder Singh Kaira noted that Tay's case had been brought to the attention of the Health Ministry. Malaysia's Health Minister, Dzulkefly Ahmad, also issued a statement calling for a thorough investigation into Tay's death. He emphasised the need for a "safe and just" working environment and reiterated his "zero tolerance" towards bullying since his first stint as Health Minister in 2018.

Broader implications and future actions

This tragic incident has highlighted the urgent need for reforms in the healthcare sector to ensure the well-being of medical professionals. A 2023 survey found that 30-40 per cent of doctors in Malaysia have experienced some form of bullying, prompting the MMA to express "deep concern" over these findings. The death of Dr. Tay Tien Yaa serves as a stark reminder of the pressures faced by healthcare workers and the necessity for systemic changes to prevent such tragedies in the future.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

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