
Iswaran's trial postponed from Sep. 10 to Sep. 24

A joint request by the prosecution and Iswaran, according to the AGC.

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Iswaran's trial postponed from Sep. 10 to Sep. 24

The trial of former Transport Minister S Iswaran has been postponed from 10 September to 24 September 2024. A spokesperson for the Attorney-General's Chambers confirmed that both the prosecution and defence jointly requested the adjournment, which the court subsequently approved. Iswaran faces 35 charges, including 32 counts of obtaining valuables as a public servant, two counts of corruption, and one count of obstructing justice. Over 50 witnesses are expected to testify, including property tycoon Ong Beng Seng, from whom Iswaran is accused of corruptly obtaining gratification. Senior Counsel Davinder Singh leads Iswaran's legal team.


The trial of S Iswaran, initially scheduled to commence on 10 September 2024, has been a focal point of public and media attention due to the gravity of the charges. Iswaran, who served as Singapore's Transport Minister, is accused of serious offences, including corruption and obstruction of justice. The charges allege that he obtained more than S$403,000 (approximately $309,560) in luxury goods and other valuables. The postponement to 24 September was a mutual decision by both legal parties, highlighting the complexity and high stakes of the case.

Details of the charges

Iswaran's 35 charges are extensive and varied. The bulk of the charges, 32 in total, pertain to obtaining valuables while serving as a public servant. These valuables allegedly include luxury goods worth over S$403,000. Additionally, Iswaran faces two counts of corruption and one count of obstructing justice. The specifics of these charges have not been fully disclosed, but they paint a picture of significant alleged misconduct during his tenure as Transport Minister.

Key witnesses

The trial will see testimonies from more than 50 witnesses, a testament to the case's complexity and the breadth of the investigation. Among these witnesses is property tycoon Ong Beng Seng, a prominent figure in Singapore's business community. Ong's involvement is particularly noteworthy as Iswaran is accused of corruptly obtaining gratification from him. The testimonies are expected to provide crucial insights into the alleged corrupt activities and the relationships between the involved parties.

Iswaran's defence is spearheaded by Senior Counsel Davinder Singh, a highly respected figure in Singapore's legal circles. Singh's involvement underscores the seriousness with which Iswaran is approaching his defence. Known for his expertise in high-profile cases, Singh's strategy and arguments will be closely watched as the trial progresses. The prosecution, representing the state, will also be under scrutiny as they present their case against the former minister.

Implications and future developments

The outcome of Iswaran's trial could have far-reaching implications for Singapore's political and public service landscape. A conviction could lead to significant legal and reputational consequences for Iswaran and potentially impact public trust in governmental institutions. The trial's progression will be closely monitored, with future developments likely to influence public discourse on corruption and governance in Singapore. The adjournment to 24 September allows both parties additional time to prepare, setting the stage for a highly anticipated legal battle.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amor.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

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