A giant African tortoise named Bon-chan has become a beloved sight in Tokyo’s Tsukishima district, where he takes daily afternoon walks with his owner, Hisao Mitani. The 26-year-old tortoise, often seen in cute outfits, has attracted attention since videos of him went viral in 2015. Residents and visitors alike flock to the neighbourhood to catch a glimpse of Bon-chan as he ambles through the streets.
Bon-chan’s popularity skyrocketed after social media users began sharing videos and photos of the tortoise and his owner. Hisao Mitani, a 62-year-old resident of Tsukishima, has been taking Bon-chan on these leisurely walks for years. The tortoise, weighing around 70kg, has become an endearing presence in the community, often stopping traffic and drawing crowds of admirers.
Viral sensation
The first viral video of Bon-chan appeared in 2015, capturing the hearts of viewers worldwide. Since then, the tortoise has become a local celebrity. Instagram user @lisainjapan shared her experience, stating, “I’ll never forget the day I met Bon-chan.” The tortoise’s slow, deliberate movements and charming outfits have made him a favourite subject for social media posts.
Community impact
Bon-chan’s daily walks have not only brought joy to the residents of Tsukishima but have also boosted local tourism. People from various parts of Tokyo and beyond visit the district specifically to see the tortoise. Local businesses have reported an increase in foot traffic, attributing it to Bon-chan’s growing fame. Hisao Mitani, who enjoys the attention his pet receives, often stops to chat with onlookers, sharing stories about Bon-chan’s life and habits.
Bon-chan’s routine
Every afternoon, Mitani and Bon-chan set out for their walk, a routine that has remained unchanged for years. The tortoise is often dressed in colourful outfits, adding to his charm. Mitani ensures that Bon-chan’s walks are safe and enjoyable, guiding him through the bustling streets and making sure he gets plenty of rest. The sight of the giant tortoise strolling through Tokyo’s urban landscape is a delightful juxtaposition that never fails to amuse passers-by.
Future implications
As Bon-chan continues to capture the hearts of those who meet him, his story highlights the unique bond between humans and animals. The tortoise’s presence in Tsukishima serves as a reminder of the simple joys that can be found in everyday life. With his growing popularity, Bon-chan may inspire more people to appreciate and care for animals, fostering a sense of community and connection in the bustling city of Tokyo.