
Foreign-owned firms make up 20% of firms in S'pore, provide jobs for about 1/3 of employed residents: MOM

More statistics on the country's labour market were shared as well.

|4 min read
Foreign-owned firms make up 20% of firms in S'pore, provide jobs for about 1/3 of employed residents: MOM

Foreign-owned firms constitute around 20 per cent of companies in Singapore and employ nearly one-third of the resident workforce, according to a Ministry of Manpower (MOM) press release on 17 September. These firms also provide jobs for six in ten residents earning a gross monthly income above S$12,500 and generate business for local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that employ the majority of resident workers. The ministry emphasised the importance of remaining open to global talent and attracting foreign investments to complement the resident workforce and create quality jobs for Singaporeans. This release comes amid growing concerns about job prospects for locals.


The MOM's release marks the first time the ministry has shared such detailed statistics on the country's labour market, aiming to address anxieties about local employment opportunities. The data underscores the significant role foreign-owned firms play in the Singaporean economy, not just in terms of employment but also in supporting higher-paying jobs and local SMEs. The ministry's stance is clear: to sustain economic growth and job creation, Singapore must continue to attract global talent and foreign investments.

Total employment grew

Total employment in Singapore increased by 11,300 in the second quarter of 2024, more than double the growth seen in the first quarter. This growth was primarily driven by non-residents, particularly Work Permit holders in sectors and roles that residents are generally reluctant to fill. Resident employment, however, saw a slight decline of 600. Employment growth for residents was noted in outward-oriented sectors like financial and insurance services, information and communications, and professional services, while seasonal declines were observed in retail trade and administrative support services.

Unemployment and long-term unemployment rates remained low

The overall unemployment rate in June 2024 was lower compared to March 2024. However, the resident long-term unemployment rate remained steady at 0.8 per cent. Retrenchments were low in the second quarter but saw slight increases in the financial and insurance services and wholesale trade sectors. Most firms cited business reorganisation or restructuring as the primary reasons for retrenchment. Concerns about recession or sector downturns have lessened, with the ministry expecting a resilient external demand outlook for the rest of 2024.

Securing jobs post-retrenchment

More than half of all retrenched residents managed to secure jobs within six months. Despite this, the re-entry rate for residents dipped from 59.4 per cent in the first quarter to 55 per cent in the second quarter. The ministry noted that re-entry rates tend to improve significantly over time based on past retrenched cohorts. Job vacancies remained steady at around 81,200 in June 2024, with the ratio of job vacancies to unemployed persons increasing from 1.56 in March 2024 to 1.67 in June 2024.

The labour market

The labour market performed well in the first half of 2024, according to the ministry. Labour market momentum is expected to continue, with wages and employment growing in tandem with economic growth. However, in the longer term, resident employment growth is anticipated to moderate due to Singapore’s high labour force participation rate and slowing resident workforce growth. The ministry reiterated the need to remain open to global talent and attract foreign investments to support resident workforce growth.

The government has updated foreign workforce policies to ensure businesses hire high-quality foreign workers and attract global talent. This includes the Complementarity Assessment (COMPASS) framework, a transparent point-based system that took effect in September 2023 for new Employment Pass (EP) applications and will apply to EP renewals from September 2024. COMPASS aims to provide clarity to businesses seeking to hire skilled foreign professionals and awards more points to businesses with a strong local core, a diverse foreign workforce, or those contributing to Singapore's strategic economic priorities.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amor.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sit amet arcu finibus, ultrices sapien a, vestibulum elit. Maecenas sit amet posuere purus. Maecenas neque odio, vestibulum nec turpis non, pulvinar porta dolor. Morbi quis nisl ex. Ut fringilla eget leo in gravida. Nullam nec lacus eu urna placerat aliquet. Nullam ac rhoncus neque. Nullam eros tellus, ultricies sit amet quam eget, ullamcorper malesuada turpis. Etiam a semper odio, iaculis tristique lectus. Etiam feugiat felis ut ex congue, quis scelerisque velit accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent dictum risus nisl. Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi, vitae tempus enim mauris nec felis. Pellentesque mollis ante quis fermentum pretium. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer finibus felis eu neque vestibulum, sed gravida ante ornare. Donec non placerat leo. Aenean arcu nisl, finibus quis enim fermentum, pharetra porta metus. Praesent libero tellus, posuere eget sagittis nec, vulputate at lacus. Donec eu ullamcorper justo. Phasellus varius mollis lectus. Duis non iaculis metus, quis tincidunt ligula. Nunc et sem eu nisi sollicitudin pretium non id nisl. Vivamus et lectus placerat, laoreet urna et, aliquet diam. Nam condimentum arcu sit amet arcu blandit cursus. Sed feugiat congue libero ut consequat. Mauris eleifend erat sed hendrerit consectetur. Duis eleifend pellentesque nulla, ut auctor orci aliquam nec. Vestibulum vel lobortis lacus. Duis gravida sagittis quam. Aenean ac ligula id orci aliquam venenatis. Mauris tempus porttitor mauris quis feugiat. Maecenas rhoncus laoreet maximus. Vivamus semper tempus imperdiet. Quisque sodales massa elit, nec ornare lacus varius sed. Sed sit amet sapien dui. Curabitur tincidunt tortor ac malesuada faucibus. Nulla elit turpis, accumsan in purus quis, convallis iaculis arcu. Aliquam dapibus molestie nisl, eu placerat nisi maximus sit amet. Ut lectus lectus, finibus non auctor at, pellentesque nec lorem. Vivamus pellentesque dui a ex imperdiet, eu malesuada mi maximus. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam aliquam metus lacus, vitae ullamcorper justo pulvinar at. Vivamus sit amet massa sed nunc sagittis blandit. Aenean id mattis leo. Aliquam vel ex sem. Phasellus tempor, lorem sit amet porta lobortis, lorem dolor gravida lacus, non finibus diam lacus vel metus. Proin interdum quis enim ac pulvinar. Quisque vel dolor libero. Sed ac ullamcorper nibh.