
Chinese & Japanese gardens in Jurong reopen after 5 years, help S'poreans save on flight tickets

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Chinese & Japanese gardens in Jurong reopen after 5 years, help S'poreans save on flight tickets

The Chinese and Japanese gardens in Jurong Lake Gardens officially reopened on 8 September 2024, after five years of redevelopment. Originally built in the 1970s, these gardens were integrated into the larger Jurong Lake Gardens in 2014. The National Parks Board (NParks) closed the gardens in May 2019 to gather public feedback and initiate the redevelopment process. Spanning approximately 30 hectares, the revamped gardens now feature a variety of new attractions, including dog-friendly areas.


The reopening of the Chinese and Japanese gardens marks the completion of a significant phase in the rejuvenation of Jurong Lake Gardens. This redevelopment effort aimed to modernise the gardens while preserving their historical and cultural significance. The project reflects NParks' commitment to creating green spaces that cater to the diverse needs of Singaporeans.

Chinese garden

The Chinese Garden, located a short walk from Chinese Garden MRT station, welcomes visitors with a regal bridge and archway inspired by Song Dynasty architecture. The entrance leads to the Edible Garden, which showcases a variety of edible flowers, fruits, herbs, and spices. Visitors can explore the Stoneboat by the lotus pond and the Twin Pagodas, which offer panoramic views of Jurong Lake and the cityscape.

The Bonsai Garden provides a serene hideaway, perfect for a tea ceremony or picnic. A winding path leads to a bamboo grove, overseen by statues of historical Chinese figures like Guan Yu and Confucius. The garden also features a picturesque waterfall, adding to its tranquil atmosphere.

Japanese garden

Adjacent to the Chinese Garden, the Japanese Garden is accessible via a 20-minute walk from Jurong East MRT station. The garden includes sheltered spaces like the Guesthouse, which can accommodate up to 1,000 people. Constructed with mass-engineered timber, the Guesthouse reflects the garden's emphasis on environmentally sensitive materials.

The Japanese Garden boasts Singapore's largest collection of water lilies, with over 150 varieties. The Sunken Garden, with its 3.5-metre-tall walls, offers a secluded space for introspection. The centrepiece of the garden is a tranquil water feature inspired by a collapsed limestone cave.

Sustainable design

Both gardens incorporate sustainable design elements, such as carbon dioxide mineralised concrete, detention ponds for irrigation, and a smart water management system. These features align with NParks' goal of promoting environmental sustainability in urban green spaces.

Visitor experience

The gardens offer a range of attractions and experiences, making them a must-visit destination for both locals and tourists. With detailed maps available, visitors can easily navigate the expansive 30-hectare area and explore its many features.

Future implications

The reopening of the Chinese and Japanese gardens is expected to boost local tourism and provide a cost-effective alternative to international travel for Singaporeans seeking a cultural experience. The revitalisation of Jurong Lake Gardens, including the new north section with various recreational facilities, underscores Singapore's commitment to enhancing its green spaces for public enjoyment.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amor.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

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