
China warns students 'handsome men' & 'pretty girls' can lure them into spying activities

Honey traps.

|3 min read
China warns students 'handsome men' & 'pretty girls' can lure them into spying activities

China's top spy agency has issued a stark warning to students with access to sensitive data, cautioning them to be wary of "handsome men and beautiful women" who might lure them into espionage activities. This advisory was part of a detailed statement released by China's Ministry of State Security on September 4, addressing the potential risks students face from foreign espionage agents. The statement, titled "Uncovering the traps behind high-paying 'part-time jobs'," highlights the tactics used by these agents to exploit young students.


The Ministry of State Security's warning comes amid increasing concerns about foreign espionage targeting China's academic and research institutions. The ministry noted that foreign intelligence agencies often disguise their operatives as scholars, researchers, or employees of consulting firms to infiltrate these institutions. These agents offer lucrative part-time jobs to financially vulnerable students, exploiting their curiosity and willingness to try new things. The ministry's statement aims to raise awareness among students about these deceptive practices and the potential consequences of falling into such traps.

Espionage tactics

According to the ministry, foreign espionage personnel often pose as university scholars or employees of scientific research institutions to gain the trust of students. They offer high-paying part-time opportunities under the guise of market research, academic exchanges, or information searches. These tasks are "tailor-made" to appeal to students who may lack financial resources. The ministry emphasised that students with access to classified and sensitive scientific research data are particularly targeted.

Love traps

The ministry also warned about the use of "love traps" by foreign agents. These operatives might present themselves as "handsome men and beautiful women" to create false romantic relationships with students. Through social media, telephone, or video conferencing, they provide free training and guidance, eventually manipulating the students into engaging in illegal activities. These activities include collecting and compiling internal scientific research and academic materials, as well as photographing military-sensitive areas. Despite the detailed warnings, the ministry did not disclose specific instances or name any foreign firms involved in such activities.

Previous warnings

This is not the first time China's top spy agency has issued such warnings. In January, the agency released a post detailing the story of a Chinese man named Li Si, who was blackmailed by foreign spies after seeking "exotic beauties" at a nightclub during an overseas trip. The post, titled "Hunting for beauty? You may become the prey," served as a cautionary tale about the dangers of foreign espionage. Additionally, the agency has previously warned citizens against photographing military equipment and highlighted the risks of organisations recruiting aviation enthusiasts to send China's flight data to other countries.

Broader implications

The warnings from China's Ministry of State Security underscore the broader issue of foreign espionage targeting academic and research institutions worldwide. As countries continue to advance in scientific and technological research, the competition for sensitive information intensifies. Students and researchers must remain vigilant and aware of the potential risks posed by foreign intelligence agencies. The ministry's advisory serves as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding national security and the role that individuals play in protecting sensitive information.

By raising awareness and providing detailed warnings, China's top spy agency aims to prevent students from falling victim to espionage activities that could compromise national security. The ministry's statement highlights the need for continued vigilance and caution in an increasingly interconnected and competitive global landscape.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amor.

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Morbi ornare, lorem nec posuere pretium, libero lorem faucibus nisi

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