
Edwin Tong hopes Pope’s visit will inspire S’poreans to foster ‘trust & harmony’ in multi-religious society

Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong expressed his hope that Pope Francis’s upcoming visit to Singapore will inspire the nation’s communities to continue fostering “trust and harmony” within its “multi-religious society.” Tong shared his sentiments on Facebook on Sep. 10, ahead of the Pope’s visit scheduled from Sep. 11 to 13, 2024. This will mark the second time a pope visits Singapore, with the late Pope John Paul II having visited in November 1986.


Pope Francis’s visit is highly anticipated by both Catholics and non-Catholics in Singapore. Tong attributes this excitement to the Pope’s universal commitment to promoting dialogue, unity, fraternity, and social friendship. These values, as highlighted in Pope Francis’s third Encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” resonate deeply with Singapore’s own aspirations for a just and peaceful society. The Encyclical, written amid the Covid-19 pandemic, calls for a universal aspiration towards fraternity and social friendship, according to Vatican News.

Eagerly looking forward to Pope Francis’ arrival

Tong described Pope Francis as “incredibly sincere, thoughtful and kindly,” recalling his brief conversation with the Pope in January 2022 at Vatican City. He noted that both Singapore and the Holy See share a deep common interest in promoting inter-religious harmony in today’s increasingly diverse and interconnected world. As part of his visit, Pope Francis will engage in an inter-religious dialogue with Singaporean youths on Sep. 13 at Catholic Junior College. This event is expected to involve over 600 participants from more than 50 schools, as well as various interfaith and religious organisations. The dialogue aims to “promote actions for unity and hope among diverse religious youths of Singapore,” as stated on the CatholicSG website.

Promoting unity and fraternity

“As Pope Francis has emphasised through his work, unity and fraternity can only be achieved through open and honest dialogue across all religions,” said Tong. He added that such dialogue helps promote trust and mutual respect. Tong hopes that the Pope’s visit will further inspire Singapore’s communities, especially the youth, to continue fostering trust and harmony in the multi-religious society.

Pope Francis to be in Singapore from Sep. 11 to 13

Pope Francis is scheduled to arrive at 2:15 pm on Sep. 11. Several official engagements are planned for the morning of Sep. 12 at the Parliament House and the National University of Singapore’s University Cultural Centre. A Papal Mass will be held at the National Stadium later that afternoon.

Future implications

The visit of Pope Francis is expected to have lasting implications for Singapore’s multi-religious society. By promoting dialogue and understanding among different religious communities, the visit aims to strengthen the social fabric of the nation. The Pope’s emphasis on unity and fraternity aligns with Singapore’s ongoing efforts to nurture and preserve its diverse multi-ethnic and multi-religious population as an enduring strength. This visit could serve as a catalyst for further initiatives aimed at fostering inter-religious harmony and mutual respect in the years to come.

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